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Students in Temporary Living Situations

Guided by the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act (MV), students staying in temporary living situations such as shelters, hotels, or other temporary situations, have important educational rights that ensure access to public education. 

To find out if your student and family are eligible for MV services, please fill out our McKinney-Vento Application form.


Heidi Dummer


Who is eligible for services?

Students in many different situations are eligible for services through MV. If a student lacks a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence then he or she is eligible for MV services. This includes students who are:

  • sharing housing of others due to loss of housing, economic hardship 
  • living in a shelter
  • living in motels, or hotels, because you have nowhere else to go
  • Living in inadequate housing such as your car, park,  or public spaces,
  • youth not in the custody of a parent or a guardian (unaccompanied youth), of any age, in any of the above situations

How do I access these rights and services?

Please contact your child’s school social worker or school counselor for help. You can call the school's main number and ask for this staff person who can assist you with available resources and services, including school transportation.

If you have concerns, need support accessing these rights, or want to appeal a decision related to these rights contact:

Resources and assistance for families

Please see the links to resources below. Reach out to your school social worker/counselor if you have questions or need assistance connecting with these or other supports. A list of school social workers by school can be found here.

Dakota County Emergency Housing Assistance - emergency shelter and community housing resources

Homeline or Legal Aid - free legal support, including helping renters understand their rights during the eviction moratorium.

211 651-291-0211 or Text your zip code to 898-211* - information on resources for a variety of needs.

Dakota County Community Resources - local resources and help for a variety of needs.

Staff Referrals

If you need to make a referral for MV services, please call 651-683-6995 or email

School Social Workers and Counselors


Eligible children and youth have the right to:

School Enrollment

  • Students in temporary living situations can immediately enroll in school, even if he or she lacks health, immunization or school records, proof of guardianship, proof of residency, or any other documentation normally required for school enrollment, or
  • Enroll without an adult present, if qualified as Unaccompanied Homeless Youth, as determined by the MV Liaison.
  • Students in temporary living situations have the option to enroll in either:
    • his/her school of origin (The school of origin is the school the student attended when permanently housed, or the school in which the student was last enrolled) or
    • any school that non-homeless students who live in the attendance area in which the child or youth is actually living are eligible to attend.


Other Important Program Benefits

  • Free breakfast and lunch at school
  • Other Services such as school supplies, and scholarships for school activities
  • Referrals to community resources that include: medical support, food, housing, mental  health support, and other resources
  • Information about preschool programs
  • FAFSA Letter
Group of teenage students with diverse backgrounds