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Language Services

We speak YOUR language.

We welcome families as partners in education. With more than 100 languages spoken in District 196 homes, we provide interpreters and translation services to remove language barriers and support family involvement.

Spanish and Somali are the most common after English, with about 9% of families speaking one of these two languages.

Spanish | Language Services

Somali | Language Services


Read in Your Language!

Scroll to the bottom of the page and use the translation tool to choose your preferred language. 

Para leer en su idioma

En la parte inferior de esta página, elija su idioma preferido del menú desplegable.

Akhri luqadaada!

Hoose ugu daadag bagan si aad u doorato luuqadaada, hoos u dhig liiska si aad ooga doorato.


LAP image

District 196 Language Access Plan

In District 196, we are committed to ensuring that every family has equitable access to information. Our Language Access Plan is designed to remove language barriers by providing translation and interpretation services, empowering families who prefer to communicate in a language other than English to engage in their children’s education. This plan supports our diverse community by ensuring families can participate in school communications, events, and decision-making processes, creating a more inclusive and welcoming environment for all. 

English | Language Services

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