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Rules for taking medications while at school

To ensure students receive needed medication and that it is not misused, District 196 has developed rules for the administration of medication in school.


All prescription medication must be kept in the office of the school nurse and must be administered by the school nurse or other appropriate school personnel, unless the Authorization for Student Possession and Self-medication with Inhaler, Epi-Pen and/or Insulin form at school has been completed and is on file with the school nurse. 

Medication guidelines:

  • A completed Prescription Medication Authorization form signed by a student’s parent or guardian and medication in a prescription bottle or original container is required before a school nurse will give a student prescription or non-prescription medication. This form is available from your child's school nurse.
  • Health services staff will administer only medication that is listed and described in the standard physician’s desk reference (PDR) or the over-the-counter (OTC) PDR. Only FDA approved medications will be administered.
  • If medication is to be given for more than two weeks, a written order from a physician or dentist must be provided to the school.
  • If prescription medication remains in the nurse’s office after the end of a school year or when the student is no longer attending the school, the nurse will contact the student’s parent or guardian to pick up the medication. If the medication is not picked up within one month, it will be destroyed.
  • Questions concerning inhalers, insulin and Epi-Pens should be discussed with your school nurse.
  • Administering Medication
  • Prescription Medication Authorization Form
  • Authorization for student possession and self-medication with inhaler, Epi-Pen and/or insulin at school