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Family School

Mother and child in Family School

Parents learn with your child!

Family School, a literacy program for English language learners, has four important parts:

  • A preschool program for children ages three to five
  • Time for parents and children to play and learn together
  • Parent education
  • Adult education

Parents and their preschool children can attend school together Monday through Thursday mornings at District 196 learning centers in Apple Valley. Families must be District 196 residents, have preschool children and a goal in Adult Basic Education as an English learner (EL) or GED student.

In Family School

  • Parents attend ABE classes and learn parenting skills
  • Children attend preschool and get ready for kindergarten

Sign Up Now

Call 952-388-1980 or email

Stop in and visit … Pasen y vean … Cagta soo mari oo soo booqo …


2 young boys reading a book together
3 adults at a table working on laptops
3 kids sitting with a teacher reading a book