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A Typical Day of Kindergarten

A kindergarten day is 6 hours and 20 minutes and consists of the following:

  • Opening/morning meeting
  • Interactive read aloud (Building language and habits of book discussion)
  • Reader’s workshop and managed independent learning (Science and Social Studies are integrated into this block of time)
  • Extensions and enrichments
  • Lunch and recess
  • Music/gym/art
  • Number corner
  • Community writing and writer’s workshop (Science and Social Studies are integrated into this block of time)
  • Math
  • Clean up/dismissal


Opening includes announcements, attendance, morning meeting, calendar, sharing and community building activities.


Students begin their kindergarten year with a unit of study that focuses on building community through learning about myself and others. Reading, writing, word study, research, critical thinking, problem solving, speaking and listening are foundational to our literacy program. Students are
engaged in units of study that integrate science and social studies in a literacy-rich environment. Students explore trees, weather, animals and materials in our world by experimenting with hands-on science extensions. Taking into account the unique needs of each child, we work hard to nurture the development of “managed independent learners” who see themselves as readers, writers, mathematicians, scientists and all around thinkers.


The elementary mathematics curriculum builds on students’ math understanding, skills and proficiency at each grade level. It integrates concepts such as number and operations, patterns, geometry and measurement. Visual models and student conversations are used to help students
construct and create understanding of mathematics. Students engage in problem solving, reasoning and communicating ideas while making connections to the world around them.


Art for the kindergarten child is more about the process rather than the product of the artistic experience. Through experimentation with a wide variety of media, the child has opportunities to explore the artistic elements of line, shape, color, texture, value and space.


Our music program focuses on making music and listening to and responding to music others have produced. Students sing, play instruments, move and create music.

Physical education

The physical education activities, as well as those provided in the classroom and on the playground, will help children develop large and small muscle skills, as well as cooperative play and sportsmanship. Children participate in activities using equipment such as bean bags, balls, the
parachute and scooters.

We will go outdoors for games, movement or play. Keep this in mind, so that shoes for active play and work might be worn daily. Sandals, clogs and flip flops are not recommended due to concerns for student safety.


Our health curriculum is a comprehensive program designed to provide students with knowledge, life skills, consumer skills and thinking skills they need to maintain and achieve good health.

Digital information and technology

Children are introduced to computer instruction in kindergarten. Each class is exposed to computer activities both in our school computer lab and in each classroom. Digital citizenship and making positive choices when working with technology are also part of these learning opportunities.

Name writing and exploring words

We have children write their names using an upper case letter at the beginning and the remaining letters in lower case. The children usually need lots of practice with this, so we appreciate any help you can give at home! According to current research, we encounter lowercase letters 98%
of the time in text. Helping your child practice their name with the initial upper case letter and the remaining lower case letters would be helpful as they learn to take on print. If you explore writing other words with children, please have them learn the word in all lower case letters, so that your child hears consistent instruction. An alphabet chart is included to help you with proper letter formation (handwriting prompts), as used within our writing and word study program.

Children begin writing on blank white paper. Blank white paper provides children with the opportunity to look closely at print. It is important that they learn how to see size, shape and formation of letters without the visual clutter of lines. This allows a child to see the letters and words as they are visually represented in early reading books. Children will transition to lined paper as they gain control of these early concepts in launching print.