Digital Learning
1:1 Dynamic Learning
District 196 is committed to a learning and technology framework that focuses on providing students with a dynamic learning experience with increased access to digital tools.
Through our 1:1 digital learning program, students use iPads, Chromebooks, laptops and computer labs as supplemental educational tools to focus on three main areas: accessing and analyzing information; innovating, creating and publishing, and collaborating and communicating. In each of these areas we also embed a digital citizenship foundation that allows students to connect to authentic experiences. We want students to reflect on their actions of being a critical consumer and positive contributor in a digital world.
Learning Drives Decision Making
Learning is at the heart of everything we do in District 196. As staff and students make decisions with digital tools, we want to continue to reflect on what we want students to learn and be able to do.
We strive to intentionally use multiple tools in our learning environments. There are human tools of conversation and discourse, non-digital tools of notebooks and print text, and digital resources. By using the strengths of the tools for learning we provide a balanced approach in a digital world.
Communication Enhances Collaboration
Students with increased access to electronic devices have a greater ability to communicate and collaborate with classmates on school work in the classroom and outside in the real world. We seek to provide learners with a learning environment in which they can use their voices, both face-to-face and digitally, to construct understanding and perspective.
Educating Critical Consumers
People have a basic need to be safe, and this is also true when working, interacting and living in the digital world. It is important that students understand how to protect their own privacy and respect the privacy of others.
We are educating students to become positive, contributing citizens in all aspects of their lives, including interactions they may have in the digital world. Teachers, families and students engage in ongoing conversations about what it means to be responsible citizens in the digital world.
Creativity Sparks Curiosity
Students demonstrate their learning and understanding by sharing their own words and thoughts, videos and presentations. We want students to use learning tools to make their thinking come to life in visible and tangible ways. This provides an opportunity to create relationships, connections, perspectives, understandings and purpose.