Chasing Infinite Possibilities
District 196 strives to ensure a high level of learning, opportunity and expectation for each student. Curriculum, instruction, assessment, and professional learning for staff all work together to maximize student learning and achievement. The district’s comprehensive core curriculum is grounded in state and national standards and builds upon the work of the district’s curriculum committees, made up of teachers, administrators, Instruction and Achievement Department staff, and members of the district Curriculum and Instruction Advisory Council (CIAC).
The curriculum defines what the district expects students to know and be able to do at each grade level and in each content area. A variety of electives and co-curricular opportunities complement the core curriculum to ensure students’ academic and social-emotional learning needs are met at each school.
Additional programs provide support for English learners, special education, students at risk and gifted students all with the goal of providing students access to and success in the core classroom. All curriculum areas and instructional methods/approaches are reviewed and updated on an ongoing basis as part of a continuous improvement approach to ensure alignment with standards and research.
Inquiry and formative assessment data drive student-centered instruction. Collaboration amongst staff is an essential aspect of our strategic work as teachers work in teams to support student learning; and instructional coaching and structured opportunities for reflection are provided to teachers to facilitate continuous improvement and growth.
Technology is utilized as a tool to enhance learning; as students access and analyze information, collaborate and communicate, publish their work, and as they live out digital citizenship. All students have access to sets of laptops and Chromebooks in classrooms and access to computer labs. In addition, each student in grades 7-12 is also provided a district-owned iPad as a learning tool to use both at school and at home aligned with the district’s learning and technology framework.