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803 - Student-Community Relations

803 - Student-Community Relations

Adopted: July 1983

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1. Contests for Students

1.1 Secondary school students may participate in district, state or national contests or related activities is such contests or related activities are approved by the Minnesota State High School League (MSHSL) as appropriate.

1.2 Permission for participation in local contests or related activities other than those approved by the MSHSL shall be requested through the superintendent providing they:

1.2.1  Benefit the students in educational, civic, social or ethical development;

1.2.2  Are educationally sound, worthy and timely;

1.2.3  Emphasize good citizenship and intellectual competence;

1.2.4  Are not harmful to wholesome community life or high moral standards;

1.2.5  Are not commercial, controversial or sectarian;

1.2.6  Are open to all students and do not place undue hardships on students, teachers or district;

1.2.7  Shall generally conform to the standard requirements of contests and related activities approved by the MSHSL; and

1.2.8  Are not so costly as to exclude students.

1.3 Contests for elementary students shall be approved by the superintendent.

2. Public Performances by Students

2.1 The School Board recognizes that worthy and appropriate educational values accrue from student participation in civic and community affairs. As such, the board encourages the involvement of students in public performances when such performances contribute to the educational processes and objectives of the district.

2.1.1  All such performances shall be approved by the building principal in consultation with the superintendent.

2.1.2  The extended use of any one group shall be discouraged.

2.1.3  Whenever possible, performances during school hours shall be limited to the class period during which the activity is usually taught.

3. Activities Sponsored by Outside Agencies

3.1 The administration may cooperate with civic and public organizations sponsoring acceptable programs of student activity deemed of educational value and not in conflict with the education program of the students or the district.

4. Complaints Concerning Staff Members

4.1 In all cases in which a person complains about any staff member to an individual board member or the board as a whole, the complainant must identify herself/himself, the staff member’s name, and the date and specific incident that prompted the complaint. No complaint against a staff member shall be considered by the Board or by an individual board member with this information.

4.2 In all cases in which a person complains about any staff member to an individual board member, the board member shall refer the complainant to the staff member and/or his/her immediate supervisor, as deemed appropriate. If the staff member or complainant is not satisfied with resulting action, an appeal may be taken through the appropriate chain of command.

4.3 Complaints against any staff member which come to the attention of the board as a whole shall be referred to the superintendent for appropriate action. If the staff member or complainant is not satisfied with the superintendent’s action, an appeal may be taken to the board.