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801.4AR - Equity Advisory Council

801.4AR - Equity Advisory Council

Adopted: July 2020
Revised: July 2023

Download 801.4AR - Equity Advisory Council

1. Purpose – The purpose of the Equity Advisory Council (EAC) is to ensure active community participation and engagement on matters of student equity and inclusion and to provide input to the board and administration to ensure equitable and culturally responsive school district practices and systems. 

2.  Role

2.1   Participate in data analysis related to student achievement, attendance and discipline. Data shall be disaggregated based upon race, gender, special education status and eligibility for free and reduced price meals.

2.2   Receive presentations related to various topics impacting student equity and inclusion in District 196.

2.3   Offer multiple perspectives and community voice on matters of student equity and inclusion, and the impact of bias on District 196 systems and practices.

2.4   Participate in community outreach opportunities designed to collect information and address the needs of underrepresented or underserved families in District 196.

2.5   Conduct reviews of programs and initiatives designed to enhance student equity and inclusion in District 196.

2.6   Make recommendations to the Superintendent and Superintendent’s Cabinet on potential changes needed to ensure equitable practices and systems and to eliminate the predictability of student achievement based upon race, gender, special education status or eligibility for free and reduced-price meals. 

3.  Membership

3.1   The EAC is composed of 30 people who are stakeholders in the school district (the parent or guardian of a district student, community member, student, or district employee) and committed to the principles of diversity, equity and inclusion.

3.1.1          Six parents or guardians of students enrolled in the district (two each representing elementary, middle and high school)

3.1.2          Four at-large community members 

3.1.3          Six high school students (Apple Valley, Eagan, Eastview and Rosemount high schools, the School of Environmental Studies and Area Learning Center)

3.1.4          Three principals (one each representing elementary, middle and high school)

3.1.5          Six teachers (representing elementary, middle school, high school and special education) 

3.1.6          One American Indian Education Program representative

3.1.7          One Cultural Family Advocate staff member

3.1.8          Two assistant administrators

3.1.9          One member representing the Dakota County United Educators executive board

3.2   The Superintendent, Director of Elementary Education, Director of Secondary Education, Director of Equity and Inclusion, Coordinator of Equity and Inclusion and three members of the School Board serve as ex-officio members of the EAC.

3.3   Terms of office begin on July 1 and end on June 30. Terms of office last for two years and are staggered, with one-half of the positions up each year. Members can serve more than one term. 

3.4   Original members of the EAC will commence their term of office on October 1, 2020 with 12 of them serving until June 30, 2022 and 13 serving until June 30, 2023. The five new members added in 2021 will commence their term of office on December 16, 2021, with two serving until June 30, 2023 and three serving until June 30, 2024.

3.5   Selection of Members

3.5.1          Openings on the EAC are advertised in district publications and area newspapers. Applications are accepted until April 30 for terms beginning the following July 1. Applicant recruitment may take place after April 30 until as late as June 1 for openings for which there are no applicants meeting the guidelines in section 3.1 above. The April 30 date shall not apply to the original EAC, which shall be selected in the fall of 2020 or to the members selected in the fall of 2021.

3.5.2          Selected ex-officio members of the EAC review and prioritize applicants based on the membership criteria described above, and make recommendations for EAC membership to the School Board.

3.5.3          The School Board approves appointments to the EAC.

3.5.4          Ex-Officio members are not subject to the selection process and do not have terms. 

3.6   Vacancies - Filling Unexpired Terms

3.6.1          If less than one year of the term remains, the position will remain open until the regular membership selection period (see section 3.5).

3.6.2          If more than one year of the term remains, selected ex-officio members of the EAC will review the most recent round of applications and make a recommendation for membership to the School Board for approval. If no applicant is available to complete that term from the most recent list of applicants, the opening will be advertised as described in 3.5.1 to fill the remainder of the term.

3.7   Officers – At its first meeting each year, the EAC elects officers, including a chairperson and vice-chairperson, or co-chairpersons from the committee.

3.7.1          The chairperson or a co-chairperson will preside at all meetings.

3.7.2          The vice chairperson, if the EAC chooses to elect one, performs the duties of the chairperson in the absence of the chairperson.

3.7.3          The Director of Equity and Inclusion ensures that minutes are taken at each meeting and maintains a copy in district records.

3.7.4          If no EAC member wishes to be an officer, an ex-officio member will preside at meetings.

3.8   Expectations and Roles of Members

3.8.1          Non-student members are expected to attend at least 75 percent of scheduled EAC meetings each year.

3.8.2          A non-student member who has not shown suitable commitment as defined in sections 3.7.1 or who is unable to fulfill their commitment may resign or may be asked to resign by the EAC. A member with three consecutive absences who has not contacted the district or the EAC chairperson or co-chairperson about the absences will be considered to have resigned from the EAC and will be so notified by the EAC chairperson or co-chairperson. The vacant position will then be filled in accordance with section 3.6.

4   Meetings

4.1   The EAC holds at least four meetings each year, as determined by the council.

4.2   EAC meetings are publicized on the district website and to local media.

4.3   EAC meetings are open to the public. The EAC chairperson or co-chairperson may, at his or her discretion, permit members of the public to address the council.