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710 - Nutrition Services

710 - Nutrition Services

Adopted: December 1976
Revised: April 2024

Download 710 - Nutrition Services

1. The nutrition services program is operated daily on an optional participation basis as a convenience for students, staff and guests of the district.  Such services are not required by statute or regulation and may be altered or eliminated at the board's discretion.

2. The nutrition services program shall be self-supporting.  Expenditures shall include both direct and indirect costs incurred in the operation of the program.

2.1 Charges for meals and services for students to fulfill this policy shall be set by the School Board.

2.2 As approved by the superintendent or designee, the Nutrition Services Department may develop other methods of making food and beverages available for district students, staff and community, and providing additional sources of revenue for the program.

2.3 Use of school kitchens by schools and non-school groups must be arranged through the Community Education Department.  Refer to Administrative Regulations 801.5AR, Community Use of District Facilities, and 710.2.3AR, Use of School Kitchens, for more information.

3. The board authorizes district participation in and accepts the conditions of the National School Lunch Program, which includes the responsibility of offering all students a school breakfast and lunch without charge through the State of Minnesota’s Free School Meals Program.

4.  Each year families will be asked to complete the Application for Educational Benefits to determine student eligibility for discounted fees and for purposes of determining the district’s allocation of compensatory revenue.


References: - Minnesota Statute 124D.111, School Meals Policies; Lunch Aid; Food Service Accounting