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707.7.4P - Request to Ride an Existing Magnet School Bus

707.7.4P - Request to Ride an Existing Magnet School Bus

Adopted: January 2010


Download 707.7.4P - Request to Ride an Existing Magnet School Bus


This form should be completed by intradistrict and interdistrict transfer students that do not qualify for magnet school transportation but are able to use an existing magnet school bus.

Date of application                                           Transportation start date                      

student name (last, first, middle initial)                                   birth date                                                                                                         _____    _____    _____

                                                                                        month  date  year


M               F


parent/guardian name (last, first, middle initial)

telephone number

(       )


parent/guardian address (residence)




zip code


student address (if different from parent/guardian)


zip code



resident district of student


resident district number


previous school attended


grade attended



requested District 196 magnet school


grade attending



student will use bus:

to school only           from school only                     both 

existing bus stop location (specify address of stop at which you wish student to be picked up and dropped off)




As a parent/guardian, I agree to provide for my child's safety while going to and from the District 196 bus stop prior to boarding and after disembarking from the bus.

A new form must be filled out prior to each school year. Requests will be approved after August 1.

_______________________________________                     ___________________________

signature of parent/guardian                                                                        date