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707.5AR - Charter Transportation for Students

707.5AR - Charter Transportation for Students

Adopted: December 1977
Revised: September 2014

Download 707.5AR - Charter Transportation for Students

1. General Guidelines

1.1 Vehicles

1.1.1  One-day and overnight charters will be provided by district buses whenever possible.

1.1.2  Recommended bus capacity is two people to a seat for secondary students and adults, and three people to a seat for elementary students.  Personal and school equipment requiring additional space will be considered in determining the number of people who may ride the bus.

1.1.3  Motor coaches may be used for travel of 100 miles or more; or for regional or state tournament playoffs.

1.2 Supervision – The school will provide an adult coach, advisor or other designated adult to ride each charter bus to and from the specified event to provide supervision or will provide the charter bus driver with contact information for the coach, advisor or other designated adult.

1.3 Requests for Charter Transportation

1.3.1  Charter transportation requests shall be submitted online to the Transportation Department two weeks in advance.  The Transportation Department will make every effort to fill late requests, if possible.

1.3.2  Schools shall combine charters whenever possible.  If it is necessary or advisable to combine charters, the Transportation Department will call the school to discuss it.  Each combined charter request will state which schools and times are involved.  Each school will be charged the proportionate cost.

1.3.3  Cancellation of charters will require two hours notice to the Transportation Department prior to the trip by the school or there will be a minimum charge.  Each school will be responsible to cancel their portion of any charter.

1.4 Exceptions – Deviations from the above guidelines will be approved by the director of elementary education, director of secondary education or director of special education.

2. Overnight Charters

2.1 District Administrative Regulation 405.8AR, Travel and Related Expenses, applies to transportation employees on overnight charters.

2.2 A driver for an overnight charter will receive cash needed to purchase fuel or supplies while on the charter. The driver will sign a receipt for the cash and will be required to submit receipts for all expenses.

2.3 The school will secure sleeping accommodations for the bus driver, as needed.