Adopted: May 2010
Revised: March 2024
Download 707.4P - Student Transportation Fee-For-Service Registration
In accordance with District Policy 707, Student Transportation, students enrolled in their attendance area school and living or attending daycare outside of the areas eligible for transportation may pay an annual fee for bus service to and/or from their attendance area school. Students who live within non-busing areas but are eligible for transportation due to hazardous crossing restrictions will continue to receive transportation at no charge. Fee-for-service transportation is not available for open-enrolled or intradistrict transfer students.
Parents/guardians applying for the transportation fee-for-service option must register each child receiving transportation services. Registration may be submitted in the following ways:
- Online with a credit card payment;
- By mail with this form and a check, or
- In person with this form and a check or cash. Mail or deliver your payment to:
District 196 Transportation Dept., 15180 Canada Ave., Rosemount, MN 55068
SCHOOL YEAR FEE OPTIONS (check only one):
Submitted between June 1 and July 31(discounted) Submitted August 1 and later
__$275 per student __$300 per student
__$550 max per family __$600 max per family
__$138 per student eligible for educational benefits (reduced category)* __$150 per student eligible for educational benefits (reduced category)*
__$276 max per family eligible for educational benefits (reduced category)* __$300 max per family eligible for educational benefits (reduced category)*
__$69 per student eligible for educational benefits (free category)* __$75 per student eligible for educational benefits (free category)*
__$138 max per family eligible for educational benefits (free category)* __$150 max per family eligible for educational benefits (free category)*
*You have my permission to verify my child’s educational benefit status.
last name first name middle initial grade ID#
Home address
address city zip code
last name first middle initial
Phone number
home work cell
Complete information below for any deviations in transportation to and/or from home each day. Alternate address/Daycare provider information:
last name first name phone
address city zip code
School attending
Frequency information:
Home Address
To School ___M___T___W___TH___F From School ___M___T___W___TH___F
Alternate Address/Daycare
To School ___M___T___W___TH___F From School ___M___T___W___TH___F
I understand it is my responsibility to bring my child to and from the bus stop designated for the location(s) noted above. I understand the school district’s responsibility will be to transport my child to and/or from school from the bus stop designated for these location(s).
Parent/Guardian signature Date
- English