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704.2.3.3P - Procurement Card Agreement

704.2.3.3P - Procurement Card Agreement

Adopted: June 2007
Revised: April 2019


Download 704.2.3.3P - Procurement Card Agreement


I, the undersigned, have completed Procedure 704.2.3.2P, Procurement Card Application and Change Form for an Independent School District 196 Procurement Card and agree to abide by the terms and conditions relative to holding and using a Procurement Card in association with my employment responsibilities.

· I agree to limit the use of the Independent School District 196 Procurement card to purchases which are applicable to my employment with the District.

· I acknowledge and agree to abide by the Procurement Card limitations which include the type of products which may be purchased and the expenditure amounts allowed.

· I hereby agree that I will voluntarily surrender the Procurement Card if I use the card in violation of Policy 704, Expenditures.

· Upon termination of employment or reassignment with the District, I agree to surrender the Procurement Card to Independent School District 196 Administration and surrender all privileges associated with the card, unless a new position within the district requires use of a Procurement Card.

· I agree that purchases of personal items and services, constitutes unauthorized use of the Procurement Card.

· I agree that I am personally responsible for unauthorized charges made with the Procurement Card. Any unauthorized expenditures which remain unresolved in excess of thirty (30) days shall become subject to collection by the District.

· If the card is lost or stolen, I will immediately notify US Bank (1-800-344-5696) so they can cancel the card and re-issue a new one.

· The card is District property. I understand that I may be periodically required to comply with control procedures designed to protect District assets. This may include being asked to produce the card to validate its existence and account number.

· I will reconcile my statement on a regular basis as I incur transactions. I will:

○ Complete online coding by the 25th of the month.

○ Print out my cardholder activity form after the cycle end date, attach proper documentation including receipts and sign.

○ Complete and sign Statement Reconciliation, Review and Approval form.

○ Submit completed paperwork to the Principal for approval and submit the paperwork to the district finance office by the last day of the month.

· I understand the following process applies to missed reconciliation/coding and paper copy submission:

o 1st month of missed online coding (by the 25th) and paper submission (by the end of the cycle close month): email reminder to cardholder and Principal/Department Supervisor.

o 2nd consecutive month of missed online coding (by the 25th) and paper submission (by the end of the cycle close month Pcard balance will be reduced to $0.00 and a notification will be sent to the Principal/Department Supervisor. The Principal/Department Supervisor must request written approval to the Financial Systems Manager for the balance to be restored.

o 3rd consecutive month of missed online coding (by the 25th) and paper submission (by the end of the cycle close month): Pcard will be deactivated. In order to obtain a new Pcard the cardholder must meet with the Financial Systems Manager and the application paperwork must be resubmitted with approval from the Principal/Department Supervisor.

· I am responsible for all charges (but not payment) on the card issued to me and will resolve any discrepancies by contacting either the vendor or US Bank Customer Service (1-800-344-5696).

· I understand and agree that the District reserves the right to exercise card cancellation, wage garnishment, disciplinary action, termination of employment and criminal prosecution as a remedy for flagrant, excessive or unauthorized use of the Procurement Card, or for violation of the terms of this agreement.

·  I have read the Procedure 704.2.3.1P, Procurement Card Program Policy and Procedures Manual. I understand all of the policies and procedures contained in the manual and in this document and agree to comply with them.