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703.5.9P - District Acceptance of Advertising Revenue Valued at $500 or More

703.5.9P - District Acceptance of Advertising Revenue Valued at $500 or More

Adopted: June 1010


Download 703.5.9P - District Acceptance of Advertising Revenue Valued at $500 or More

Directions:  District and school administrators and program coordinators must forward a            list of advertising revenues valued at $500 or greater to their director by the           30th of each month.


The following is a list of all advertising revenue received by __________________________________        

during the month of___________.                                                     (school or program)


Organization placing advertisement

Location of advertisement










Comments:  _____________________________________________________________________________




                                                            Signature of School/District Administrator          Date



                                                            Signature of Director                                       Date


District/school administrator/coordinator routes to:

                    Appropriate director


                    Director of Finance and Operations