Adopted: April 1989
Revised: September 2023
1. Criteria for Grant Application
The School Board, district departments, schools and staff are encouraged to apply for grants to public and private agencies, as appropriate and feasible, for staff scholarships, staff development and other improvement programs which help further the district and school goals.
2. Application Process
2.1 Applications for grants of $500 or more and all applications for grants involving state or federal funds must be submitted to the director of finance and operations along with Procedure 703.5.2P, Grant Application Summary (Grants Valued at $500 or More).
2.2 When School Board approval is required as part of the grant application, submit the application to the director of finance and operations along with Procedure 703.5.2P, Grant Application Summary (Grants Valued at $500 or More), allowing enough time for the application to be approved by the School Board. The School Board meeting schedule is available on the district website.
2.3 The director of finance and operations will submit a summary of grant applications of $500 or more to the superintendent on the 30th of each month. The superintendent will share the summary with School Board members and district-level directors.
3. Award Process
3.1 Upon receiving notification of grant approval, the following actions are required depending upon the value of the grant:
3.1.1 Grants valued at $500 or more and all grants involving state or federal funds (major grants): The school, program or department receiving the grant must forward grant approval documents to the director of finance and operations who will prepare a School Board exhibit.
3.1.2 Grants valued at less than $500 that do not involve state or federal funds: The school, program or department receiving the grant must complete Procedure 703.5.1.2P, School or Department Acceptance of Gifts/Grants Valued Under $500. Grants valued at less than $500 may be accepted by the principal or program coordinator pending quarterly School Board action. Complete Procedure 703.5.1.2P on a monthly basis and submit to the director of finance and operations by the end of each month. The director of finance and operations will seek the approval of the appropriate director and will seek school board action on a quarterly basis.
3.2 Federal Grant Awards – The school district must adhere to the federal Uniform Grant Guidance when expending federal grant awards received by the district. To the extent any administrative, cost or audit requirement in the Uniform Grant Guidance conflicts with an existing school district policy or regulation, whatever requirement is the most restrictive shall be followed when managing and expending federal grant awards. School District staff can find more information about the Uniform Grant Guidance on the Finance Department’s page of the District 196 employee website. Members of the public seeking more information may contact the Finance Department.
4. Grant Receipt Process
Receipts of major grant awards ($500 or more) should be directed to the director of finance and operations for deposit into the appropriate school or department account.