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703.5.1.3P - Thank You Letter for Gifts

703.5.1.3P - Thank You Letter for Gifts

Adopted: November 2004
Revised: May 2013

Download 703.5.1.3P - Thank You Letter for Gifts


Dear _________________:

          Thank you for the generous donation of __________________ to our school district.

          We will use the money/gift for ____________________, which will help students to ________________________________________________________________________.

Your donation will be used to help ensure that _____________________________________.

          No goods or services were received in return for this gift.

          Independent School District 196 is a subdivision of the State of Minnesota and, therefore, is an exempt entity under Section 115 of the Internal Revenue Code.  We are considered a governmental unit rather than a nonprofit entity.  Our federal identification number is 41-6007792.

          Contributions or gifts made to the school district are considered tax deductible, if they are made exclusively for public purposes.  Please see Section 170(c)(1) of the Internal Revenue Code.  If you have finance questions about your gift, please contact the Coordinator of Finance at 651-423-7748.

          Once again, thank you for your contribution to and support of Independent School District 196.





Principal/Department Coordinator
