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703.5.1.1P - Gifts Valued at $500 or More

703.5.1.1P - Gifts Valued at $500 or More

Adopted: November 1979
Revised: September 2023

Download 703.5.1.1P - Gifts Valued at $500 or More

Who is receiving the proposed gift? (check one):

□ a school, specify             

□ a district department, specify             

□ the district            

□ Student Activity Account, specify               

Please indicate the type of proposed gift:

□ Cash or Check Amount :                        

Account Code:                                                            

□ Other:                                                                           

Estimated value:                              (For school district gift acceptance purposes only. 
See IRS regulation for tax deductibility.)

Would this gift be given in honor or memory of someone or something?  Please explain:


Donor(s)/Organization NAME(s):                                                         

Phone  (        )                                                                                       

Gifts may only be accepted by action of the School Board

School/Department Recommendation□ Accept gift   □ Not accept gift

____________________________________                Account Code:                                                                    

Signature of Administrator            Date

Director’s Recommendation:                         □ Accept gift     □ Not accept gift

Signature of Director    Date