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702.2.3AR - Budget Advisory Council

702.2.3AR - Budget Advisory Council

Adopted: December 2000
Revised: March 2019

Download 702.2.3AR - Budget Advisory Council

1. Purpose

The purpose of the Budget Advisory Council (BAC) shall be to:

1.1  Ensure active community participation in and enhance community understanding of the district's budget planning process, and

1.2  Provide input to the board and administration on budget plans that support district goals, policies and initiatives.

2. Role

2.1  The BAC shall promote the district's budget reduction suggestion program, review submitted suggestions and, as appropriate, provide input regarding budget changes to the school board.

2.2  The BAC shall provide the board and administration with input on:

2.2.1  spending priorities and effective utilization of the district's limited financial resources;

2.2.2  cost effectiveness of programs and services;

2.2.3  ways to decrease expenditures and increase revenue, and

2.2.4  short-term and long-term financial planning.

2.3  The BAC shall review long-range financial projections.

2.4  The BAC shall study and provide input on specific financial issues or areas of the budget, as identified by the BAC, the School Board or the administration.

3. Membership

3.1  The BAC will be composed of 15 people who are stakeholders in the school district (a district resident, the parent or guardian of a district student, or a district employee).

3.1.1  At least seven members must be parents/guardians or other community residents.

3.1.2  A district employee who is a district resident may not also count as a parent/guardian or community resident.

3.1.3  One member must represent district principals.

3.1.4  One member must represent district licensed staff.

3.1.5  One member must represent district non-licensed staff.

3.1.6  At least one member must have a school-aged child or children.

3.1.7  All members should generally have, but are not required to have, some expertise, understanding and/or background in financial matters and budgeting (e.g., accounting, banking, economics, etc.).

3.2  The district's Director of Finance and Operations and the three members of the Board Audit and Finance Committee shall serve as ex-officio members of the BAC.

3.3  Terms of office shall begin on July 1 and end on June 30. Terms of office shall last for three years, and shall be staggered with one-third of the positions up each year.

3.4.1 Openings on the BAC will be advertised in district publications and area newspapers. Application will be accepted until April 30 for terms beginning the following July 1. Applicant recruitment may take place after April 30 until as late as June 1 for openings for which there are no applicants meeting the guidelines in section 3.1 above.

3.4.2 April April 30, the Board Audit and Fiance Committee, and the district's Director of Finance and Operations, will receive and review all BAC applications, meet to review and prioritize candidate based on the membership criteria described above, and make recommendations for BAC membership to the School Board.

3.4.3 The School Board will be asked to approve new members.

3.5 Filling Unexpired Terms

3.5.1 If less than one year of the term remains, the position will remain open until the regular membership selection period (see section 3.3 above).

3.5.2  If more than one year of the term remains, the Board Audit and Finance Committee and the Director of Finance and Operations will review the most recent round of applications and make a recommendation for membership to the School Board for final approval. If no applicant is available to complete that term among the applications, the Board Audit and Finance Committee and the Director of Finance and Operations will request applications from people representing the appropriate group(s) and then proceed as described above.

3.6  Officers – At its first meeting each year, the BAC will elect officers, including a chairperson and a vice-chairperson, or co-chairpersons from the committee.

3.6.1  The chairperson or co-chairperson shall preside at all meetings.

3.6.2  The vice chairperson, if the BAC chooses to elect one, shall perform the duties of the chairperson in the absence of the chairperson.

3.6.3  The Director of Finance and Operations shall ensure that minutes are taken at each meeting and maintain a copy in district records.

3.7  Expectations and Roles of Members

3.7.1  Members must attend at least 75 percent of BAC meetings each year.

3.7.2  A member who has not shown suitable commitment (as defined in sections 3.7.1 above) or who isn’t able to fulfill their commitment may resign or may be asked to resign by the BAC. A member with three consecutive absences who has not contacted the district or the BAC chairperson or co-chairperson about the absences will be considered to have resigned from the BAC and will be so notified by the BAC chairperson or co-chairperson. The vacant position will then be filled in accordance with section 3.5 above.

4. Meetings

4.1  The BAC will hold at least four meetings each year, as determined by the council.

4.2  BAC meetings will be publicized in district publications and area newspapers.

4.3  BAC meetings will be open to the public. The BAC chairperson or co-chairperson may, at his or her discretion, permit members of the public to address the council.