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617 - Physical Education Curriculum Beliefs and Goals

617 - Physical Education Curriculum Beliefs and Goals

Adopted: February 1991
Revised: September 2009

Download 617 - Physical Education Curriculum Beliefs and Goals

1.  Beliefs

1.1   Physical education contributes to the lifelong development of the student by providing opportunities which positively impact and increase the intellectual, social, emotional and physical fitness of the student.

1.2   A quality physical education program . . .

1.2.1  Provides learning opportunities which positively impact the academic success of students by stimulating brain growth.

1.2.2  Is an integral component of a student’s education as it contributes to the total fitness, growth and development of the child.

1.2.3  Enhances social development by emphasizing personal achievement, character and integrity through individual and team activities and sports.

1.2.4  Assists in reducing diseases and maladies that are caused by inactivity and childhood obesity

1.2.5  Promotes fitness, wellness and a healthy attitude toward daily exercise which leads to physical activity throughout life.

1.2.6  Promotes respect for the uniqueness and dignity of self and others through physical activities.

2.  Goals

Students will know and be able to do the following:

2.1     Demonstrate competency in motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities;

2.2     Demonstrate understanding of movement concepts, principles, strategies, and tactics as they apply to the learning and performance of physical activities;

2.3     Participate regularly in physical activity;

2.4     Achieve and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical fitness;

2.5     Exhibit responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others in physical activity settings, and

2.6     Value physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression and/or social interaction.


  • Goals adapted from: Moving into the Future: National Standards for Physical Education, 2nd Edition, NASPE 2004,