Adopted: August 1979
Revised: March 2017
Download 604AR - Distribution of Tickets and Passes for Fine Arts and Athletic Events
1. In-District Distribution
1.1 Theater Performances
1.1.1 Current school board members, if requested, will be issued complimentary tickets for themselves and their immediate family members for their choice of theater performances.
1.1.2 Current district employees may be issued a complimentary ticket to a theater performance if attendance at that performance is part of a work-related assignment and they are there in their official capacity.
1.2 Athletic Events
1.2.1 Current school board members and permanent district employees (employed for the current year) must present their employee identification badge to admit themselves, their school-aged children, and their spouse or one adult guest to high school home athletic events.
1.2.2 Retired district employees must present their retiree pass to admit themselves and one guest to regular season, district-sponsored home athletic events.
2. Community Distribution
2.1 Senior adults (age 62 or older) may attend regular season athletic events at no charge.