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604. - High School Coach Evaluation: Middle School Student Participation in High School Junior Varsity or Varsity Athletic Activities-Gifted Athlete

604. - High School Coach Evaluation: Middle School Student Participation in High School Junior Varsity or Varsity Athletic Activities-Gifted Athlete

Adopted: November 1986
Revised: January 2013


Download 604. - High School Coach Evaluation: Middle School Student Participation in High School Junior Varsity or Varsity Athletic Activities-Gifted Athlete


Student’s name                                                                                                                                                                                          


Middle school _____________________________ Sport                                                                          



High school where student participated  _____________________________________________                                                  


Please complete and return this form to the student’s middle school

principal within two weeks following the completion of the season.


1.  Were there any transportation problems or concerns relating to this student’s movement from the middle school to the high school?




2.  Was this student accepted as a teammate by the other members of the high school team?




3.  Was this student able to compete successfully at the high school level?




4.  Did the added pressure cause or promote any emotional or psychological problems for this student?




5.  Overall, was this a positive or negative experience for this student?  Why?




6.  Please make any additional comments in regards to the evaluation of this program.




Thank you for sharing this information and your perceptions.



____________________________________________   _______________

                                    High school coach signature                                       Date