Adopted: February 1978
Revised: June 2001
Download 603.3AR - Selection of Instructional Resources
1. Definition
This regulation applies to instructional resources as defined in District Policy 603, Instructional Resources.
2. Responsibilities of District Personnel Who Select Instructional Resources
2.1 District personnel involved with the selection of instructional resources are charged with the responsibility to:
2.1.1 Provide resources that will support and enrich the curriculum, taking into consideration the varied interests, abilities, learning styles and maturity levels of students served.
2.1.2 Provide resources that will stimulate growth in factual knowledge, critical analysis of differing sides of issues, literary appreciation, aesthetic values and recognition of various societal values.
2.1.3 Place principle above personal opinion and reason above prejudice in the selection of resources in order to assure a comprehensive collection of instructional resources appropriate for the complete education of all students.
2.2 District teachers who want a person who is not a district employee to speak to their students must do the following:
2.2.1 Complete District Procedure 603.3.2P, Request for Use of Outside Speaker, and submit it to their principal for approval at least eight school days in advance of the proposed speaking date.
2.2.2 If the request is approved by the principal and the principal requires advance notification of parents, send notification of the speaker home to parents at least five school days in advance of the proposed speaking date. The notification must include the speaker's name, the group or organization the person represents (if any), the topic of the presentation and a brief comment on how that topics fits into the curriculum.
3. Selection Process
3.1 When selecting instructional resources, the professional educators of the district will:
3.1.1 Evaluate the existing instructional resources for educational suitability;
3.1.2 Assess curricular and individual student needs;
3.1.3 Evaluate the specific item(s) being considered by examining them whenever possible; consulting reputable, professional reviews and/or consulting qualified personnel;
3.1.4 Consider the reputation of the author or creator in the field;
3.1.5 Consider the suitability of the entire content of the work, not just the portion to be assigned to students, and
3.1.6 All other things being equal, consider the use of profanity or obscenity.
3.2 Administrators, teachers, students, other school district personnel and community persons may make recommendations for purchase.
3.3 Donated resources should be judged by the listed criteria and should be accepted or rejected on the basis of the above procedures. (Refer to District Administrative Regulation 703.5.1AR, Gifts, for more information.)
3.4 It is understood that selection is an ongoing process performed by education professionals. This process includes the removal of resources which are no longer appropriate or resources which are out-of-date, damaged, worn or lost.
3.5 Once an item has been selected and acquired, it becomes a part of the collection and, if the resource is questioned, the reconsideration process (District Administrative Regulation 603.4AR, Reconsideration of Instructional Resources) must be followed.
4. Criteria for Selection - Instructional resources selected shall:
4.1 Support the curriculum goals of District 196 and specific courses;
4.2 Support and enrich the curriculum, and meet the needs of individual students;
4.3 Be appropriate for the subject area and for the age, emotional development, ability level and social development of students for whom the resources are selected;
4.4 Provide a background of information designed to motivate students to examine their own attitudes and behavior; to comprehend their duties, responsibilities, rights and privileges as participating citizens in our society and to make intelligent judgments in their daily lives;
4.5 Represent a diversity of views and expression, and differing sides of issues to promote critical thinking and objective evaluation skills under professional guidance. (Selection of a work does not constitute agreement with the content.);
4.6 As far as possible, accurately reflect contributions and achievements of women and men, as well as individuals and groups from various racial, social, ethnic, cultural and religious backgrounds, and persons with disabilities. In cases where instructional resources do not meet this criteria, they should be used in a manner that helps students gain insights into the existence of bias in both print and non-print materials;
4.7 Be of high quality appropriate to the level of students while considering curriculum objectives and availability of resources, and
4.8 Be selected for its strengths as a whole.
- Minnesota Statute 120B.20, Parental curriculum review