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506.2.2.1P - Authorization for Administration of Prescription Medication at School Medication Authorization Form (ECSE – Grade 12)

506.2.2.1P - Authorization for Administration of Prescription Medication at School Medication Authorization Form (ECSE – Grade 12)

Adopted: December 1987
Revised: August 2024

Download 506.2.2.1P - Authorization for Administration of Prescription Medication at School Medication Authorization Form (ECSE – Grade 12)


Student ________________________________  DOB____________________ Grade ____________________ School Yr____________________

School__________________________________________________ Allergies____________________                                                                    

NOTE:  Medication must be supplied in original labeled prescription bottle.*No narcotic pain medication will be administered during the school day unless authorized by a authorized healthcare provider.

Medication Controlled Substance Yes/No ICD-10Medical condition Dose Time Route Possible side effects


other considerations/directions  _________________________________________________                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             _____________________________                            __________________________________                                _______________

signature of authorized healthcare provider                                print name of authorized healthcare provider                             date

_____________________________                            __________________________________                                 _______________

clinic name                                                                              clinic phone                                                                        clinic fax

Parent/Guardian Authorization

1. I request that the above medication(s) be given during school hours as ordered by my student’s authorized healthcare provider. I also request the medication(s) be given on field trips as prescribed.

2. I will notify the school of any change in the medication(s), i.e., dosage change, medication is stopped, etc.

3. I give permission for the medication(s) to be given by trained school personnel when delegated by the school nurse in her/his absence.

4. I release school personnel from liability in the event adverse reactions result from taking the medication.

5. This consent may be revoked at any time by sending a written notice to the licensed school nurse.

6. I understand that I am required to retrieve controlled substances when requested by the school.

7. I designate the school district as an authorized entity to transport non-controlled substances for purposes of destruction if unused amounts remain in the possession of school personnel.         

___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ parent/guardian signature                                     date                                                         relationship to student

Permission for Release of Information

1. I give permission for the school nurse to communicate, as needed, with school staff about my child’s medical condition(s) and the action of the medication(s).

2. I give permission for the school nurse to consult with my child’s authorized healthcare provider about any questions regarding the listed medication(s) or medical condition(s) being treated by medication(s).

3. I give permission for the authorized healthcare provider to release information related to the above medication(s) and medical condition(s) to the licensed school nurse.                                                                                                                                                                                                                

___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ parent/guardian signature                                         date                                                         relationship to student


Return to__________________________     phone _________________________fax _________________________               

                   RN, Licensed School Nurse