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503.4.7.3P - Policy against illegal harassment, discrimination, violence or hazing

503.4.7.3P - Policy against illegal harassment, discrimination, violence or hazing

Adopted:  November 1994
Revised:  September 2024

Download 503.4.7.3P - Policy against illegal harassment, discrimination, violence or hazing

1.   We want you to know about our policy to prevent harassment, discrimination--including sex discrimination under Title IX--or violence on the basis of sex, race, religion, color, creed, national origin, marital status, familial status, disability, status with regard to public assistance, sexual orientation, gender identity, membership or activity in a local human rights commission, age or genetic information.* We also want you to know about our policy to prevent hazing.

2.   A harasser may be a student or an adult. Harassment may include, but is not limited to, the following items:

a.   Physical or verbal conduct or communication related to your sex, race, religion, color, creed, national origin, marital status, familial status, disability, status with regard to public assistance, sexual orientation, gender identity, membership or activity in a local human rights commission, age or genetic information that creates a demeaning or hostile employment or educational environment, substantially or unreasonably interferes with your work, education, or otherwise adversely affects your employment or educational opportunities;

b.   A physical act or threat of aggression or assault because of or in a manner reasonably related to sex, race, religion, color, creed, national origin, marital status, familial status, disability, status with regard to public assistance, sexual orientation, gender identity, membership or activity in a local human rights commission, age or genetic information, and/or

c.    Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, sexually-motivated physical conduct, sexual violence, or other verbal or physical conduct or communication of a sexual nature when submission to that conduct or communication is a term or condition of employment or education or is used as a factor in decisions affecting employment or education.

3.   Discrimination means to segregate or separate on the basis of a person’s sex, race, religion, color, creed, national origin, marital status, familial status, disability, status with regard to public assistance, sexual orientation, gender identity, membership or activity in a local human rights commission, age or genetic information except where authorized by law. Discrimination includes the following: to exclude from admission, to deny access to or participation in or the benefits of programs or activities, including vocational opportunities or to otherwise subject to discrimination in employment or in any educational program or activity operated by the district.

4.   A hazer may be a student or an adult. Hazing means committing an act against a student, or coercing a student into committing an act, that creates a substantial risk of harm to a person, in order for the student to be initiated into or affiliated with a student organization, or for any other purpose. Hazing may occur on or off school property and during or after school hours.

5.   FOR PERSONNEL: If you believe you have experienced harassment, discrimination, violence or hazing in District 196, report it (verbally or in writing) to your supervisor or to one of the District 196 Human Rights Officers.

6.   FOR STUDENTS: If you believe you have experienced harassment, discrimination, violence or hazing in District 196, you need to tell a teacher, counselor, principal or one of the District 196 Human Rights Officers. You may also make a written report and give it to a teacher, counselor, principal or one of the District 196 Human Rights Officers.

7.   The district takes seriously all reports of harassment, discrimination, violence or hazing, and will take all appropriate actions based on your report. Your right to privacy will be respected as much as possible. Complete grievance procedures can be found in Administrative Regulations 405.7AR and 503.4AR, Harassment, Discrimination, Violence or Hazing. Title IX grievance procedures can be found in 503.5AR, Title IX Sex Nondiscrimination Regulation, Grievance Procedure and Process.

8.   The district will also take action if anyone tries to intimidate or harm you because you have reported harassment, discrimination, violence or hazing.

9.   This is a summary of the District 196 policy against harassment, discrimination, violence or hazing. Complete policies and regulations are available in school and district offices and online at


District 196 Human Rights Officers:

If your concerns relate to staff or third party conduct or is a complaint under Tilte IX, report to:
Shelly Monson, Director of Human Resources
3455 153rd Street West; Rosemount, MN 55068-4946
Phone: 651-423-7859

If your concerns relate to student conduct, grades k-5, report to:
Jeremy Sorenson, Director of Elementary Education
3455 153rd Street West; Rosemount, MN 55068-4946
Phone: 651-423-7782

If your concerns relate to disability of a student including their rights under Section 504, report to:
Janet Fimmen, Director of Special Education
3455 153rd Street West; Rosemount, MN 55068-4946
Phone: 651-423-7629

If your concerns relate to student conduct, grades 6-12, report to:

Eric Hansen, Director of Secondary Education
3455 153rd Street West
Rosemount, MN 55068-4946
Phone: 651-423-7712



*Some listed categories are only protected from certain limited forms of discrimination or harassment.