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503.2.1P - Written Election to Withdraw from School

503.2.1P - Written Election to Withdraw from School

Adopted: May 2005
Revised:  April 2015

Download 503.2.1P - Written Election to Withdraw from School


Dear Parent or Guardian:

          State compulsory attendance laws (Minnesota Statute, 120A.22) require every child between 7 and 17 years old to receive instruction.

A student 17 years old who seeks to withdraw from school, along with the student’s parent or guardian, must:

1.    Attend a meeting with school personnel to discuss the educational opportunities available to the student, including alternative educational opportunities; and,

2.    Sign a written election to withdraw from school.

If you have not already arranged for such a meeting, please call my office to do so. At the meeting, if you choose not to pursue other educational opportunities available for your child offered by the district, you will be asked to sign the following:

“I, ________________________________, hereby elect to withdraw my child from school. 

I have attended a meeting with school personnel and understand the educational opportunities available to him/her.  We elect to withdraw from school at this time.”


________________________________________________        __________________

               Signature of parent or guardian                                                                    Date

________________________________________________        __________________

               Signature of student                                                                                       Date


               Print student name



School Principal

c: Cumulative File