Adopted: August 1999
Revised: November 2024
Download 502.2P - Attendance Priorities for Transfer Students
1. Overview
This procedure is to be used to implement the attendance priorities described in Policy 502, Student Transfers.
2. Selection Process
2.1 Transfers are permitted into schools, regardless of enrollment, for intradistrict daycare for elementary school students (k-5), continued enrollment of 11th and 12th grade students, intent to establish residency for k-12 students and certain transfers based on attendance area adjustments, as authorized by the School Board on December 13, 2021 and on November 4, 2024. These permitted transfers are described in section 3.1 below.
2.2 Transfers will be accepted into schools with available space in the priority order listed below, with all transfers involving District 196 residents (intradistrict) taking priority over all transfers involving students who live outside District 196 (interdistrict), except for transfers referred to in section 4.1 below.
2.3 Except for permitted transfers described in section 3.1, intradistrict applications received by the application deadline will be rank ordered using a random selection process. Applications may remain rank ordered from one school year to the next for the same level (i.e. elementary, middle and high). Applications are approved as space becomes available. Applications that arrive after the deadline are considered on a case-by-case basis.
2.4 The priorities below apply between schools within the same level (elementary to elementary, middle to middle or high to high) not between schools from one level to the next (elementary to middle or middle to high).
3. First Priority: Intradistrict Transfers
The priorities below are for students who live in District 196. Once a student has been accepted into a school outside of his or her attendance area, they may remain at the school through that level (e.g., elementary students are accepted through grade 5, middle school students through grade 8 and high school students through grade 12) except for daycare transfers, which are considered on a yearly basis.
3.1 Permitted Transfers – Following completion of Procedure 502.4P, Intradistrict Student Transfer Application, the following transfers are permitted regardless of enrollment.
3.1.1 High school students who have been attending a District 196 high school (because they live in the attendance area of that high school or through an approved transfer), who qualify to continue to attend that high school through the state law on continued enrollment of 11th and 12th grade students. See Regulation 502.4.8AR, Student Transfers: Continued Enrollment of 11th and 12th Grade Students.
3.1.2 Elementary school students (grades k-5) who live in one attendance area but are receiving daycare in the attendance area of another school. See Regulation 502.4.4AR, Student Transfers: Daycare for Students in Grades K-5.
3.1.3 K-12 students whose parents intend to change residency from one school attendance area to another and who have filed the appropriate application and documents with the district. See Regulation 502.4.5AR, Student Transfers: Intent to Establish Residency.
3.1.4 Students affected by the attendance area adjustment approved by the School Board on December 13, 2021 who are eligible for the sibling preference, expanded sibling preference (“family preference”), Mandarin exception (“Mandarin language pathway exception”) or who otherwise qualify for a permitted transfer under the phased implementation authorized by the School Board.
3.2 Restricted Transfers – Following completion of Procedure 502.4P, Intradistrict Student Transfer Application, the following transfers are considered on a space available basis in the following order:
3.2.1 Students who were in grades K- 7 at the time of the School Board’s December 13, 2021 attendance-area adjustments (students graduating in 2034 or earlier) who were residing in the affected attendance areas at the time of the School Board action and are eligible for the expanded Intra-District Preference authorized by the School Board. Students must apply for the following school year by the deadline identified in Procedure 502.4P, Intradistrict Student Transfer Application and will be rank ordered using a random selection process. Applications received after the deadline will be processed based on the order in which they are received.
3.2.2 Students affected by the attendance area adjustments approved by the School Board on November 4, 2024 who are: Magnet students enrolled in Diamond Path Elementary School during the 2024-25 school year who did not reside in the attendance area, but wish to remain at Diamond Path Elementary School after it becomes a neighborhood school due to the attendance area adjustments approved by the School Board on November 4, 2024; or Students enrolled at East Lake, Diamond Path, Shannon Park, Rosemount, Red Pine, and Highland Elementary Schools during the 2024-25 school year who resided in the attendance area in 2024-25, but no longer reside in the school attendance area as a result of the attendance area adjustments approved by the School Board on November 4, 2024, but who wish to remain enrolled at their 2024-25 school of attendance.
Students must apply for the following school year by the deadline identified in Procedure 502.4P, Intradistrict Student Transfer Application and will be rank ordered using a random selection process. Applications received after the deadline will be processed based on the order in which they are received.
Transportation for certain students eligible under paragraphs and will be provided by the school district until the end of the 2026-27 school year, but only for those students enrolled in 3rd or 4th grade at East Lake, Diamond Path and Highland Elementary Schools during the 2024-25 school year who are affected by the November 4, 2024 attendance area adjustments and who are approved to remain at their 2024-25 school of attendance. Transportation through the 2026-27 school year will also be provided to the younger siblings of these 3rd or 4th grade students enrolled in grades K-2 during the 2024-25 school year and who are approved to remain at their 2024-25 school of attendance.
3.2.3 All other K-12 students who apply on the basis of parent/guardian request. Students must apply for the following school year by the deadline identified on Procedure 502.4P, Intradistrict Student Transfer Application and will be rank ordered using a random selection process. Applications received after the deadline will be processed based on the order in which they are received.
High school applicants cannot apply for transfer prior to the 8th grade year; middle school applicants cannot apply for transfer prior to the 5th grade year, and elementary school transfer applicants cannot apply for transfer until they turn four years of age.
4. Second Priority: Interdistrict Transfers
The priorities below are for students who live outside of District 196.
4.1 Permitted Transfers
4.1.1 High school students who have been attending a District 196 high school, who qualify to continue to attend that high school through the state law on continued enrollment of 11th and 12th grade students. See Regulation 502.4.8AR, Student Transfers: Continued Enrollment of 11th and 12th Grade Students.
4.1.2 K-12 students whose parents intend to change residency from outside
District 196 into District 196, and who have filed the appropriate application and documents with the District 196 student information supervisor. See Regulation 502.4.5AR, Student Transfers: Intent to Establish Residency.
4.1.3 K-12 students who are in the district through the state enrollment options program and want to continue to attend the school they have been attending.
4.2 Restricted Transfers – All applications are considered on a space available basis.
- Attendance Area Adjustments, District 196 School Board Meeting, December 13, 2021 Exhibit G3
- Elementary Attendance Areas, Part Two, District 196 School Board Meeting, November 4, 2024