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501.5AR - Student Immunizations

501.5AR - Student Immunizations

Adopted: February 1990
Revised: March 2022

Download 501.5AR - Student Immunizations

1. General Requirements

1.1 No student, except a student experiencing homelessness, will be allowed to enroll or remain enrolled in a District 196 school (including early childhood education programs) until the student has submitted to the principal or designee written proof of compliance with state immunization laws.

1.2 A student experiencing homelessness will be immediately enrolled in school even if the student does not have required immunization documents. The school, with the assistance of the school district’s homeless liaison, will work to obtain immunizations or immunization records for the student while the student is enrolled in school.

2. Requirements for Kindergarten and District 196 Students

In order for a student to enroll in kindergarten or continue enrollment in District 196, Minnesota law requires that parents or adult students show compliance by providing the principal or designee with one of the following documents:

2.1 A month-day-year record of required immunizations, such as District Procedure 501.5.2P, Student Immunization Form, signed and submitted by parents or the adult student; or

2.2 A signed statement from a parent, adult student, physician or clinic stating the student has had at least one dose of each required vaccine and is in the process of completing the series, or

2.3 A notarized statement of conscientious objection, or

2.4 A physician’s signature stating medical exemption to vaccination.

3. Requirements for Students Who Enroll into District 196

Students transferring to a District 196 school from another school district must submit one of the documents described in sections 2.1 - 2.4 above. In order to remain enrolled, Minnesota law requires compliance within 30 calendar days of the student’s first day of attendance.

4. Exclusion from School

Students who are not in compliance with the law will not be allowed to attend school until documentation showing compliance is received by the school.

5. Record-keeping and Parent/Guardian/Adult Student Notification

5.1 Immunization records for each student will be received and maintained by the school nurse.

5.2 Based on their review of immunization records, school nurses will contact parents or guardians of students (or adult students, age 18 or older) who are not in compliance with the state law to inform them about the law, about options for complying with the law and about the consequences of not complying with the law (using the appropriate grade level District Procedure 501.5.5.1P - 501., Notification of Immunization Law Requirements).


  • McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act, Subtitle VII-B – Education for Homeless Children and Youths, January 2002
  • Minnesota Statute 121A.15, Health standards; immunizations; school Children
  • Minnesota Rules 4604.0300, Schedule changes