Adopted: October 1986
Revised: April 2020
Download 205 - District Policies, Administrative Regulations and Procedures
1. District Policies
1.1 Definition and Purpose
1.1.1 District policies are broad guidelines set by the School Board to give direction and establish a course of action for the district. Policies are guides for discretionary action.
1.1.2 The purpose of district policies shall be to establish the authority and responsibility of school administrators, particularly the superintendent, so there may be continuous educational and administrative leadership in the school district.
1.2 Formulation and Execution
1.2.1 In keeping with its primary responsibility of representing the citizens of the school district, the School Board shall insure the effective and efficient operation of the public schools under its jurisdiction by setting forth policy decisions regarding the general operation of the school district.
1.2.2 Policies adopted by the School Board shall reflect its direct relationship to state government and its delegation of specific authority to the superintendent. When necessary, policies shall be adopted to insure compliance with the general education laws of Minnesota. Policies shall be developed and periodically revised by cooperative action of the School Board, the administration, employees and citizens.
1.2.3 Adoption of new policies or changing existing policies is solely the responsibility of the School Board.
1.2.4 The superintendent shall be responsible for executing district policies by developing administrative regulations and procedures to delineate the intent and interpretation of policy statements and cause policy decisions of the School Board to become the operational principles of the school district.
1.2.5 Policies, administrative regulations and procedures shall be kept current and made available for examination by any school district employee or interested resident. Policies are available on the district website, along with administrative regulations and procedures which support the policies.
1.3 Review - The School Board shall review and modify policies as it sees fit and appropriate. Policies shall remain in effect until changed by School Board action. Exceptions to policies may be permitted upon recommendation of the superintendent and approval of the School Board.
2. Administrative Regulations – Administrative regulations are detailed directions to help clarify and implement policies.
2.1 Administrative regulations shall be developed and implemented as necessary by the superintendent.
2.2 Administrative regulations have the force of district policy unless superseded or countermanded by district policy.
3. Procedures – Procedures are written by the administration to articulate district policies and administrative regulations.
4. Authority to Waive or Modify Policies - The School Board has the authority to temporarily waive or modify the requirements of a district policy as necessary due to pandemic or other emergency. This authority is in addition to any authority to grant exceptions included within individual district policies. The superintendent shall have this same authority with respect to administrative regulations and procedures. The School Board may not waive or modify a provision in a district policy that is specifically required by state or federal law or regulation still in effect.