Adopted: October 1977
Revised: November 2023
Download 204.8.3P - Special Communication Request
To address the School Board about a topic not on a regular board meeting agenda, complete this form and submit it to the Superintendent's Office, Independent School District 196, 3455 153rd Street West, Rosemount, MN 55068. Requests must be received no less than five working days before the board meeting at which you wish to speak.
The School Board provides a total of four minutes per request. Respectful comments about school or district operations or programs may be heard, but the board will not hear complaints about specific personnel or other individuals at a public session.
Special Communication Requests are limited to 10 per regular School Board meeting. If more than 10 speakers submit a Special Communication Request, speakers will be chosen by lottery conducted after the deadline to submit for the next regular board meeting.
Speakers must be a District 196 stakeholder. Stakeholders are limited to the following:
· students (currently enrolled);
· parents/guardians of currently enrolled students;
· employees;
· residents;
· property or business owners;
· district contractors;
· bidders on district contracts that are open for bidding or awarded but not completed, and
· authorized representatives of the above-identified stakeholders.
Please be aware that:
· To participate in the Special Communication Request portion of a regular School Board meeting you are required to complete this form. It will be used by the board and the administration to prepare the board meeting agenda and to document board proceedings. This form becomes a board exhibit and, except for contact information, will appear on the district’s website. Except for phone numbers and email address, the information on this form is classified as public data. Phone numbers and email addresses are collected and used internally by the district for notification purposes only.
· If you wish to share supporting documentation with the board, bring nine copies to the board meeting.
· Recordings of the board meeting are livestreamed, broadcast on local cable channels, on the district’s YouTube channel and on the district’s website.
· Questions and requests directed to the board will usually be deferred pending appropriate administrative and board consideration.
· Speakers must adhere to the time limit, the directions of the board chair and the requirements of District Regulation 204.8AR or they risk being ruled out of order.
If you have additional questions, call the Executive Assistant to the Superintendent and School Board at 651-423-7723.
School Board meeting date
(requests are only accepted for the next regular board meeting)
(please print)
Identify stakeholder role (select from above list):
Please describe your topic in some detail: __________________________________________________
List school and district employees you contacted about this issue: (specify)
What action, if any, would you like the School Board or administration to take in response to your comments?
I request a language interpreter for the following language:
I request a disability-related accommodation (a staff member will contact you)
________________ __________________________________________________________________
Date Signature
Contact information:
Address Zip
Home phone
Cell phone
Work phone
Email address