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202 - Powers and Duties

202 - Powers and Duties

Adopted: May 1983
Revised: February 2009

Download 202 - Powers and Duties

1. Policies and Administrative Regulations

The School Board shall set policies as the basis for the establishment of administrative regulations governing employees and students and overseeing the care of district facilities, grounds and property. The School Board shall aid the enforcement of regulations and require the performance of duties of employees and students as imposed by law, district policies and regulations.

2. Legislative

The School Board, as an extension of the State of Minnesota, represents the citizens of the district and shall function as a policy-making body. The board has jurisdiction over the district and its employees. The use of judgment and discretion in this connection shall be limited only by specific policies and agreements accepted by the board, and then only to the extent such policies and agreements are in conformance with the constitution and laws of the State of Minnesota and the Constitution and laws of the United States.

3. Executive

The School Board shall select a Superintendent of Schools and delegate to her/him the authority to carry out the plans and administrative details necessary to insure that all district policies are incorporated in the operation of the district.

4. Appraisal

The School Board shall determine the effectiveness of the district through careful review and study of facts and conditions.


  • Minnesota Statute 123B.02, General Powers of Independent School Districts
  • Minnesota Statute 123B.09, Boards of Independent School Districts
  • Minnesota Statute 123B.14, Officers of Independent School Districtsa